
Travel Agency License Number  L-SC-GN00901

目的地介紹/Destination Introduction


 World natural heritage Jiuzhaigou ・Huanglong 8 days

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景点介绍/Scenic spot introduction:

九寨沟・黄龙:属国家 5A 级景区、世界自然遗产。景区以翠海、叠瀑、彩林、雪山、峡谷、森林著称于世。被世人誉 为“童话世界”、“人间瑶池”。 被誉为:“天下红叶第一山”。


古蜀道・剑门关:古蜀道穿越秦岭,出斜谷,直通八百里秦川,全长约 1000 余公里。历史悠久,至今已有三千多年历 史,是保存至今人类最早的大型交通遗存之一,比古罗马大道的历史更为悠久。古有“蜀道难,难于上 青天”之说. 剑门关是古蜀道上的一道雄关,地势险要,自古被喻为“一夫当关,万夫莫开”,有“剑 门天下险”的美誉。

Jiuzhaigou • Huanglong: It is a National 5A scenic spot and a World Natural Heritage. The scenic spot is famous for its green sea, cascade, colorful forest, snow mountain, canyon and forest. It is known as the "fairy tale world", "world fairyland". 

The ancient road of Sichuan(Shu Raod)・ Jianmenguan: The ancient Sichuan road passes through the Qinling Mountains, out of the oblique valley, directly to the 800-mile Qin-Chuan, with a total length of about 1,000 kilometers. With a long history of more than 3,000 years, it is one of the earliest large-scale transportation remains of human, and it is older than the Roman avenue. Ancient people said that, the way of Shu Road is difficult almost inaccessible. Jianmenguan is the impregnable barrier on the ancient Shu Road, the terrain is dangerous, since ancient times has been described as "one man can hold out against ten thousand", has "the Jianmenguan world danger" reputation.


Best time to visit:all year


Never arrange a tourist shopping store


Gift of mineral water