
Travel Agency License Number  L-SC-GN00901

目的地介紹/Destination Introduction

海螺溝冰川森林公園~木格措〜“最後的香格里拉”稻城亞丁單飛 8 日

Hailuogou Glacier Forest Park~Mugecuo~"the last Shangri-La" Daocheng Yading (Fly from Daocheng to Chengdu) 8 days

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景点介绍/Scenic spot introduction:

稻城亚丁:这里是英国詹姆斯·希尔顿(James Hilton)所着《消失的地平线》书中的香格里拉秘境。被誉为“最后的香格里拉”、“蓝色星球上的最后一片净土”。

海螺沟冰川:位于贡嘎山东坡,是亚洲最东低海拔现代冰川,这里有举世无双的冰川瀑布、高山杜鹃、红石滩、雪谷温 泉、原始森林等自然景观,属国家 5A 级风景区,国家森林公园。 



Daocheng Yading: This is a mysterious place called Shangri-La in James Hilton's novel“Lost Horizon”. Known as "the last Shangri-La", "the last piece of pure land on the blue planet". 

Hailuogou Glacier: Located on the eastern slope of Gongga Mountain, it is famous in the world for its low-altitude contemporary glaciers. There are unparalleled glacier waterfalls, alpine rhododendrons, red stone beach, snow valley hot spring, old-growth forest and other natural landscape, it is a National 5A Scenic Spot, National forest park. 

Mugecuo: One of the largest alpine lakes in northwest Sichuan, composed of scenic spots such as the Seven-Color Sea, Rhododendrons Valley, Medicinal hot springs, and Mugetso etc. 

Xindu Bridge: The light and shadow here is called "the world of light and shadow" and "the paradise of photographers".


Best time to visit:all year


Never arrange a tourist shopping store


Gift of mineral water