
Travel Agency License Number  L-SC-GN00901

目的地介紹/Destination Introduction

大美如画之旅甘南·川北10 日

Beautiful and picturesque Southern Gansu·Northern Sichuan 10 days

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景点介绍/Scenic spot introduction:

扎尕那:藏语意为“石匣子”。位于甘南州迭部县益哇乡,是隐藏在崇山峻岭中的一个藏族村落,地形既像一座规模宏 大的巨型宫殿,又似天然岩壁构筑,被称为“天空之城”。 

郎木寺:位于四川、甘肃两省交界之处,号称为微缩版的“香格里拉”,自古就是四川、甘肃、青海各族民众朝拜黑虎 女神的圣地。小溪“白龙江”穿镇而过,两座寺院隔河相望,甘肃的是赛赤寺,四川的是格尔底寺。


花湖:是若尔盖大草原上的一个天然湖泊,花湖最美的时间是在五六月份,湖畔五彩缤纷,好像云霞委地,而湖中则开 满了水妖一样的绚丽花朵。 

九曲黄河第一湾:发源于巴颜喀拉山的黄河滚滚向东,自甘肃而来在四川边上轻轻抚了一下又转身飘回青海,形成一连 串大大的 S。在九曲黄河第一湾这里,清澈的河流水势平缓,蓝天白云,绿草繁花,帐篷炊烟,牛羊骏马,盘旋的雄鹰, 如诗如画,气象万千。

Zhagana:It means "stone box" in Tibetan. Located in Yiwa Township, Diebu County, Gannan Prefecture, it is a Tibetan village hidden in the mountains, the terrain is not only like a huge palace, but also like a natural rock wall construction, it is called "City of Sky". 

Langmusi:Located at the provincial border of Sichuan Province and Gansu Province, known as a miniature version of Shangri-La, it has been a sacred place for people of all ethnic groups in Sichuan, Gansu and Qinghai to worship the black tiger goddess since ancient times. The brook "Bailong River" crosses the town and the two monasteries face each other across the river, in Gansu is the Sertri Monastery or as some call it, the Gansu Monastery; in Sichuan is Kirti Monastery. 

Huahu: Here is a natural lake on the Zoige Prairie, the most beautiful time of Huahu is in May and June, the lake is colorful, as if the clouds are falling on the lake, and the lake is full of beautiful flowers like Water faery demon. 

Yellow River First Beach: Originating in the Bayan Har Mountan, the Yellow River rolls eastward from Gansu, gently caresses the edge of Sichuan and then turns and floats back to Qinghai, forming a series of large "S". Here in the Yellow River First Beach, the clear river is smooth, blue sky and white clouds, green grass and flowers, tents and smoke, cattle、sheep and horses, hovering eagle, picturesque and magnificent.


Best time to visit:June


Never arrange a tourist shopping store


Gift of mineral water


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