
Travel Agency License Number  L-SC-GN00901

目的地介紹/Destination Introduction

探访中国“仙本那”屏山大峡谷、世外桃源清水塘、恩施大峡谷 8 日游

Visit China's "Semporna" Pingshan Grand Canyon、 Land of idyllic beauty Qingshui Pool、Enshi Grand Canyon 8 days


景点介绍/Scenic spot introduction:



屏山大峡谷:被誉为“中国的仙本那”。峡谷两岸的百丈绝壁延绵数十公里,落差千米的山涧,潭水清澈见底,船在水 上尤如悬浮于空气之中,使人梦幻。 


恩施大峡谷:属长江支流清江最美丽的一段,以气势雄阔的绝壁险峰,称奇于世,被专家赞誉可与美国科罗拉多大峡谷 媲美。景区内天坑、地缝、绝壁、峰丛、岩柱群、溶洞、暗河等地质景观一应俱全。

Xuanen Qingshuitang: Known as "Jiuzhaigou in western Hubei", along the underground river, there are 18 ancient arch Bridges reflected in the water, a dream of a paradise. 

Pingshan Grand Canyon: Known as "China's Semporna". The cliffs on both sides of the canyon stretch for tens of kilometers, the mountain stream with a drop of kilometers, the pool is clear to the bottom, the boat in the water is like suspended in the air, very dreamy.

Enshi Grand Canyon: It is the most beautiful section of Qingjiang River, a tributary of the Yangtze river. It is famous for its magnificent precipitous cliffs and peak, which is praised by experts as comparable to the Grand canyon, USA. In the scenic area, sinkholes, crevices, cliffs, peak clusters, rock pillars, caves, underground rivers and other geological landscape are all readily available.


Best time to visit:All year


Never arrange a tourist shopping store


Gift of mineral water